
Streaming TV’s New Era

Embracing Ad-Supported Streaming Across Screens in Southeast Asia

Reports available to download include the Southeast Asia Region, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Ad-supported streaming in Southeast Asia has reached critical mass. Viewers’ engagement with streaming content is stronger than ever and their relationship with streaming services continues to mature and evolve.

Percentages shown below reflect the Southeast Asia Region.

Ad-Supported Streaming Services Deliver Scale

Ad-Supported Streaming Services Deliver Scale

Q: Which of these services do you use to watch TV shows and films? Base: Total respondents Source: ʪƵ

Cross-Screen Consumption Delivers Better Outcomes

Ad-supported viewers are consuming TV content across devices, with increasing use of smart TVs. In a typical week, 67% of this audience watch content on a smart TV always/most of the time, compared to 82% who watch on a smartphone.

94% of ad-supported streamers in Southeast Asia are more likely to make a purchase from a brand they engaged with across multiple devices (TV, mobile, desktop, etc.).

Q: To what extent do you agree with “I am more likely to make a purchase from a brand that I have engaged with across multiple devices (TV, Mobile, Desktop etc.).” T2B Base: Ad-supported streamers Source: ʪƵ

Streaming Services Are an Effective Channel for Brands

Streaming’s premium environment delivers impact to brands. 90% of ad-supported streamers said they have discovered new products and services as a result of seeing ads on streaming platforms and 68% took action. Streaming services also outperform videos on social media at different stages of the purchase journey.

Q: When you see ads while watching streaming services/within social media video, how often do you do the following? Always/almost always/frequently Source: ʪƵ

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